Dragon Dragon, Dog Pig, Monkey Horse Compatibility
Comparing compatibility for November 12th 1984 and December 8th 1984 The person born on November 12th has three Earth energies. This means they are grounding, popular, considerate and empathetic. The downside is that people will try and take advantage of him. The most popular actors, performers, and even politicians have three or more Earth energy. The person born December 8th has at least three water energies. Water energy represents deep thought, caution, fear, and hesitation. This person likely tells the person born on November 12th who to stay away from, who to beware of, and tries to protect him. Dragon dragon compatibility. Both people were born in the year of dragon. Dragons are the only animals that do not exist in the physical world amongst all 12 of the animals in the mythological Chinese zodiac. This means that dragons are the most powerful of all the energies in the mental and creative world. The downside is that they are distant and disconnected from the physical worl...