Pig Goat Compatibility and Ox Money Compatibility. The New NASA & AI Based Chinese Horoscope

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February 8th 1980 and September 1st 1976
February 8th 1980
This person has at least four Earth elements. This means they are unusually popular influential loving considerate. People are drawn to them. The most popular actors and politicians usually have three Earth elements. You have four. 
They're missing fire and wood elements. This means that while they are stable and likable, this person is not loud, comic, the life of the party. Outsiders might see this person as lacking passion. They might think this person is low energy. 
The reality is, the opposite.
Mentally this person is pig energy.
This means that while he doesn't like complex tiresome long mental tasks that require lots of memorization or calculation or stress, he still has a very productive mind that accomplishes just about what all the hard thinkers accomplish but without putting in nearly the same amount of work. 
Emotionally, this person has ox energy. Earth energy to be exact. This means that he's emotionally extremely stable and strong. People come to him and depend on him for emotional support and understanding. He's there for their traumas trials fears and challenges and he doesn't become burdened whereas most people would crumble under the weight of other people's emotional pain. 
Physically, this person is Earth rooster. This means that while he is not the funniest person at any party, he is unmistakable. Everybody notices him. He is precise, immaculate, flashy, well dressed, and even finicky. He knows what he likes and he knows what he doesn't like and he's very clear about it.
Since we don't know this person's birth city or time zone, we cannot elaborate on his physical work habits or the profession he would be best suited for. But based on his mental and emotional profile, this person would be good for doing work that requires precise thinking and analytics that feel more like a game. To him, the work he does must feel fun like a puzzle. He cannot tolerate doing boring mentally painful work no matter how well it pays. And he shouldn't.
This person would be great as an analyst, ceo, teacher, mentor. Or anything else that requires precision yet carries the emotional burdens of many people. Possibly even hostage negotiator.

1976 September 1
The second person is very balanced in themselves. They have two metal energies and one wood energy fire energy Earth energy and water energy each. This means that their life is very balanced and that they can accomplish anything they want to accomplish without much directional bias. Since they have two metal energy, this also means they have valuable hidden talents that if cultivated and nurtured can be very financially and socially rewarding. But finding these talents requires hard digging and cultivating these talents will require dedication and long-term work.
This person will be an asset to any company team or family because of their versatility and complete five Element nature. They would make a great negotiator, manager, ambassador or salesperson.

Mentally, 1976 is a goat. This means they are surrounded by various many various different thoughts opinions and people but they have their own distinct and unique, possibly even stubborn or narrow-minded thinking habits. Of all the mental temperament types, this person is the most determined and also unpersuadable. Trying to persuade them is actually a waste of time. This is ironic because they are able to comprehend and understand the thoughts and perspectives of many different cultures or biases. But while they can empathize, it does not impact their core beliefs at all. 
Emotionally this person is a monkey. But not just any monkey, this person is a fire monkey. This means that they are fun and funny. They have many different groups of people and everybody enjoys being around this person born in 1976. This person brings brightness to any room they enter.
Physically this person is a rabbit. This means that they don't do much physically. You can't expect this person to lift heavy weights or build huge buildings or do much of anything in the physical world. They like hopping around between this activity and another activity without ever putting in the grind of a whole day's hard labor. But this is only physically.
This person would be great as a psychologist, politician, counselor, entertainer, actor. Being a theater actor or singer would also be ideal if this person has a good voice because they can bring joy to many different types of people in all different types of conditions even stressful difficult conditions while their physical presence brings good luck to the entire group. If there's a crisis at work or home it is likely that the people experiencing the crisis will call this person born in 1976 into the room as soon as possible. And as soon as they arrive, the crisis gets contained. This is because their physical presence itself contains good luck especially on dragon days and tiger days. Once every 6 day is either a dragon or tiger day.

Mentally these two people are soulmates. This is the highest level of compatibility any two people or any two different energies can have.
Well the pig only likes to do things that are enjoyable and even if a task is extremely difficult if it has a game element to it and feels like a puzzle to him he can figure it out and mentally power through it. But 1976 will mentally work through anything and everything even if it is not fun or enjoyable to them. And it doesn't feel burdensome or stressful to them or at least as much as it would to 1980. So things like planning vacations, planning contractual agreements, figuring out long intricate problems would be the domain of 1976 and 1980 would just enjoy the ride and be thankful to 1976 for lifting the heavy burdens of thought.
Emotionally, these two people are also soulmates. This is very unusual to get two people that have two different soulmate relationships in two different categories. There is about a one in 3000 chance of this occurring randomly. 
1980 enjoys focusing and hates noise, distractions, interruptions. 1976 can handle the unexpected, multitasking, crazy hectic environments. And so if 1980 is left to do all the emotionally and time-consuming work, 1976 can handle all the rest and these two become a perfect unstoppable self-contained universe.
Physically, they are enemies. This is the worst possible combination any two people can have in the same room. This is fine if these two people are business partners, or brothers or best friends that each have their own offices, homes and beds. But if these two are lovers, nothing will match. 1980 has a very specific foods that they can eat and has many more types of foods that they hate. 1976 is not quite as finicky about food and does not understand 1980s extremes of likes and dislikes. They cannot be in the same room together because they each have different temperatures that they can tolerate. And if this is a romantic couple, they cannot share the same bed together because their sexual styles and timings are entirely different. One person will want to sleep and the other person will just constantly wake up the sleeping person and they will both be frustrated.
If this is indeed a romantic relationship, you have three options. First, you can stay together and accept that you will never have good sex. Second you can break up and find someone that you have great sex with knowing that chances are you will never feel the same connection emotionally or mentally ever again in your life as you did with each other. Or third, you can do what the rich people do and have enough money to still love and live with each other but have a separate sexual partner that's younger and perfectly suits your libido needs because libido is chronic. Once it satisfied, you can go anywhere from several hours to several days without needing another release. If you decide to go the first route and just stay together, one out of 12 days is an ox day. And on that day, you can have halfway decent sex together. Unfortunately, it is only on that day that you can have halfway decent sex together. If that sex happens in ox hour in ox day of ox year, which happens once every 12 years, that will feel pretty good though not mind blowing. For absolutely mind blowing sex or a game of doubles tennis, you need a partner born on ox or snake day.

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