Snake year month or day: extreme frustration hardship

Every single person born only has between 30 to 80 days out of every 12 years where nothing bad happens. These are days when everything you've been trying to do or create actually materializes. These are the only days when you can possibly reach any of your goals. No matter how big your goal or how small your goal the universe thinks that your goals are tiny compared to what you can accomplish so it grants you a trillion dollars or $100 with equal ease. 

You cannot create a goal in your mind that is too lofty or grand for the universe to deliver easily.

Most people neither have goals or fail to consistently strive toward those goals. So when one of these magical days arrives, nothing much changes in their life. They might just feel a little bit extra energetic that day. And they've squandered their three wishes with the genie in the bottle.

You will find these dates on the forecast page at

At the time of this blog post, the 60 month forecast only reveals this golden date at a one month resolution. So you know which month that golden date is within. But you don't know the exact actual date that all of your goals and dreams will materialize. The resolution will be increased soon.

If you were born in the year of snake or month or date of snake, your experience is going to be exactly the opposite. You will feel like nothing you do works out right and everything you do actually backfires against you. You can say the warmest kindest things and people will misunderstand you and attack you. You can work precisely and hard at a task and the harder you work, the less success you have. Everything you do feels like it's under a spell of sabotage and opposition.

That's because it is.

I use the concept of an alternate universe as an allegory or metaphor. But in reality, the alternate universe might as well be a physical scientific fact. Because even if it only exists in your imagination or your mind, the physical outcomes of all your actions right down to your health and your money behaves as if the alternate universe is real here and now.

In the case of a snake, it will feel as though you are in your universe but the moment your mind causes any action, like your words or your footsteps taking you somewhere or even your hands building something, it feels as though all of your actions are happening in a different universe. And that different universe will feel like the total inverse opposite of the universe you're actually in right now.

We've all seen those cartoons where Tom tries to catch Jerry by putting his hand in a hole but instead his hand comes out of another hole behind him and hits him in the back of the head. That's how this year, especially this month is going to feel for you. 

And this moment is exceptionally oppressive to you because you are being actively destroyed by the universe from multiple dimensions.

People joke about Elon musk playing 3D chess. But imagine if the universe was trying to destroy you by playing 3D chess then decided to try to destroy you by also playing for the chess against you at the same time. That's technically what's happening right now.

If you are a snake, this is the year of the goat. And you can see that this year is absolutely opposed to you. But this is also the month of the tiger and next month is the month of the rabbit. And you can see that both months are also devastatingly opposed to.

So if you were born in the year of the snake, since the year represents your mind, this means that the universe is sending you destructive annual energy and destructive monthly energy.

The only way your pain can be greater is if you were also born in the month of ox dragon snake or dog. Because as you can see, all these other symbols are also actively being destroyed by the universe. But if you look at each one at a time, you will see that being born in the month of snake is the worst. So if you are a double snake, you are going to feel like the universe and everything in it including all the people in it would prefer if you just disappeared.

Truth is, they wouldn't prefer that you disappear. The universe is actively trying to make you disappear. 

But this is only one dimension. This is from a 12th element perspective which controls the mind and the nervous system amongst other things.

The five Element system which controls the experience of time, emotions and your physical health are also actively trying to kill you.

This is today's five Element atmospheric condition. As you can see, there is no fire. You can see the daily updated version of this report like a weather report at . 

Of all the animals in the 12 animals zodiac, the snake is the only animal that is cold-blooded. The Buddha or the alien or the yellow emperor whoever it was that first created the system didn't just pick these animals thoughtlessly. Each animal perfectly allegorizes the nature of living beings and their relationship to the universal atmospheric conditions. Since you were born into your snake, making you cold-blooded, if there is no fire element in the universe, and especially during the winter, you will not die but rather you will just freeze and become unable to move, paralyzed.

Other animals can at least move around and warm themselves up. But there's no amount of exercise or action that you can take to warm yourself up as your blood is already cold.

It's bad enough when the 12 element zodiac environment is against you but when the five elements dimensional system is also opposed to you, it will literally feel like this is not your universe. And that's because it really isn't.

Having explained why you feel and experience what you're feeling and experiencing right now, here comes the good news.

First of all, nothing going wrong right now is entirely your fault. So there's no need for harsh self-criticism. The universe is doing plenty of that for you on autopilot. Sure, you may not be making the best decisions or executing all your plans with the precision of a Olympic gymnast. But you are not the biggest problem right now. It says if you were a pilot that made the wrong decision after two of your engines exploded while you are caught in a tsunami. This is not a time to be focusing on yourself and blaming yourself.

And probably the best news, there is a solution to all of these attacks.

In the same way there are hot springs that stay hot during the coldest of Siberian Winters; in the same way there are quiet deep caves during the most violent of wind storms, there is always a location and a polarity (think of this like aluminum blinds for the office or polarized sunglasses) where you can escape the destructive forces of the universe.

And even if the universe isn't giving you the fire energy you need, there's always a way that you can extract it from the universe.

You'll find that those answers at

One of the most important factors is building relationships with your harmonic partners.


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