Snake Horse, Goat Sheep Dragon, Snake Rooster Compatibility in NEW NASA Harmonics Based Chinese Astrology

 1998 August 4th and 1999 May 8th.

Snake and horse compatibility
Goat and dragon compatibility
Snake and rooster compatibility

The person born 1998 August 4th 
Has at least three fire energies. This makes this person, 1998, very bright fun optimistic positive and warm to be around physically. In conversations, this person is also bright and fun. However, this person, who we will just call 98, lacks metal energy. This means that 98 has a hard time empathizing with people who are sad. People around him might even say that he Lacks a certain mystery or depth. But this is fine because he attracts people who are mysterious and deep. If this person wants to create some kind of earth-shaking new invention or discovery, all he has to do is team up with someone with a lot of metal energy. It's not necessary to have it within himself.

He was born in year of the wood snake.
This alone means that he is very mentally prolific and contagious. His thoughts and words spread with force and speed. He would be best making money from large groups of people and by making money with his thoughts. He would be very good in sales, politics, leadership. He might even be good or great as an attorney, author or philosopher.

He was born in the month of the water goat.
This means that he is cautious and stubborn. He can handle a great amount of stress and he's very capable and sensitive at deducting when something stressful or taxing is about to happen. He can sense chaos and misfortune before most anybody around him. People should pay attention to him when he smells danger. But if he doesn't sense danger, then no matter how bad things look to most people around him, he's going to be right.

He was born on fire snake day.
This makes him very fun to be around and enjoyable. He will make people around him feel good about themselves. People will love being around him. But those who know him well will wonder if what he says is actually how he feels and if he's talking behind their backs. A snake has a tendency to speak very locally. What this means is that a snake can say something when he's with one person and say something totally different about the same issue when he's with another person. And this isn't necessarily even lying. To a snake, this is very context-driven conversation. He might even say that he supports one politician with one friend and then turn around and say that he supports the totally opposing politician when he's with someone else. So the people closest to him have a tendency of not taking his word seriously. From a health perspective, he has unusually strong cardio and endurance. But he needs to be cautious about his skin and his lungs.

In this case, this person with this birth date is double snake. What he thinks is the right thing to do often gets destroyed In the heat of the moment. The way he thinks and the way he acts are both entirely inconsistent from the perspective of others. But to himself, everything he says or does, even if it's a lie, is to benefit the people he loves or at least not hurt their feelings unnecessarily. There's no sense in saying something that's mechanically true if it doesn't help someone and if it destroys a relationship that it cares about.

The person born May 8th 1989
This person was born in the year of the wood horse.
This person values space and freedom above all. This person pursues a passion or a career relentlessly at full speed without ever stopping.

They were born in the month of Earth Dragon.
The Earth Dragon is the most loving and warm and nurturing of the freest spirits. The Earth dragon stops to help those in need. And yet, her emotions are extremely violent and swing from one polar extreme to another rapidly. And this is totally normal and manageable for her. 

This person was born on the day of the wooden rooster.
The wood rooster is fickle precise and exacting. The wood roosters also loud and glamorous striking. From a health perspective, she has a very strong liver. She can hold her alcohol better than most men.

Snake and horse years SOULMATES
Mentally, 1998 is a snake in 1999 is a horse. 
Objectively, they soulmates. A soulmate is the highest level of harmonic relationship any two people can attain. The snake is clever and persuasive and can manage all the human relationships and issues that come up in the work and family life. This allows the wood horse to just focus on what she enjoys doing while the snake tags along and defends her from anything that can get in her way. Ironically, she frequently doesn't like the way 1998 solves problems. She might even say that she needs space more space away from the snake born in 1998. But that would be a very bad idea as he's the one smoothing out the road that she's racing on.

Goat and dragon compatibility ENEMIES
Fittingly, these two people were born in goat month and dragon month. The snake was born on goat month which makes him stubborn and cautious while the horse was born on Dragon month which makes her honest and freedom loving. The Dragon will find the goat frustrating, closed-minded, unable to empathize, stubborn. This will cause constant unresolvable arguments and fighting where the Dragon accuses the goat of just not understanding her. Reality is, if the dragon wants the goat to understand her, this is like wanting the ocean to grow me an apple tree. It's totally unnecessary for the goat to understand her because the goat is able to accept and carry any of her feelings even if she feels like the goat doesn't understand her. Not being able to understand how someone feels does not mean that this person cannot accept how this person feels and just move through life until the feeling or situation melts away like it always does anyways over time.

Snake and Rooster Compatibility SOULMATES
The snake was born on the day of snake and the horse was born on day of rooster. Snakes and roosters are perfectly compatible together physically. This means that if they team up on the team to play other couples in doubles tennis, they will always win. This means that if they row a boat together, their oars will be perfectly in sync. It also means that their sex life is fantastic. The only real caution here is that the rooster might feel that occasionally the snake ruins something that the rooster has been working on. Even if it's as simple as the rooster preparing for a fancy Thanksgiving Day dinner party for extended family, the rooster might find the snake taking a big bite out of the apple pie before the guests arrive. And they might fight over the blankets in the winter or their favorite places on the couch. But this is also unnecessary as they are both best suited holding each other tight. Physically, the only caution I would give is that the snake is likely to make the rooster drink too much even though she can handle her liquor.

Overall, this is an extremely good relationship even though there are emotional hardships that tend to be more painful for the person born in 1999. This relationship is beneficial for both especially the person born in 1999 even though it is harder on her. If you want an even more perfect relationship where you bond together emotionally without fighting, ever, the horse needs to find someone born in the month of tiger. And the snake needs to find someone born in the month of rooster. If everything else stays the same except the birth month of each person, they can each find their own perfect soulmates. But this isn't necessary because any emotional frustrations each person feels can simply be worked through and resolved by talking to someone like a friend who really was born in the month of tiger for the horse and rooster for the snake.

Fortunately, in the months of monkey or pig, your relationship will be good and you will be able to empathize with each other.

There's no need to try and get everything you need mentally emotionally and physically from just one person.

But if you insist, the snakes perfect soulmate was born Between November 21st, 2001 and December 19th 2001.


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