Snake horse, Dragon goat, Rooster goat compatibility

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Snake horse compatibility
Dragon goat compatibility
Rooster goat compatibility

These same 12 symbols appear in your year energy, month energy day energy and hour energy. While the compatibility quality remains the same throughout all four categories, the implications and the mechanics will manifest differently. So it's important to specify which animal appears in which time dimension. This probably makes very little sense but we will explain more as we go on.

April 27th 1962
August 24th 1975

The snake and horse are perfectly compatible. This particular combination appears in the year time dimension for these two people. If it were to appear in the month day or hour time dimensions, what you're about to read it does not apply. What you're about to read only applies to mental faculties.

The snake and horse are perfectly compatible so within the mental dimension, these two people will find that they need each other and when they communicate together and collaborate in their visions and plans and even their concerns and crises, problems seem to magically solve themselves. They are each other's superheroes for goals and problems that require thought planning and strategy. They each fill each other's mental weaknesses while their mental strengths and superpowers perfectly complement their partner.

The person born in 1962 is the snake. This rhythm appears every 12 years. Whenever a snake is born, they tend to be highly observant, cautious, deliberate and rarely take impulsive risks. This kind of thoughtful calculating behavior will feel contrived and restrictive to most people. But ironically, not to the horse.

The person born in 1975 is the horse in their mental dimension. Horses fight against restrictions and limitations. And they're only happy when they have a wide open Horizon and complete freedom. The person born in 1975 is focused, driven, passionate and pursues one line of thought and one ambition tirelessly. 

The possible downside to the snake is that the snake tends to say whatever someone wants to hear. They may seem inconsistent in their opinions or positions. Even their politics will seem conservative in some company and liberal in someone else's company. Most people will mistakenly think this means this person lacks backbone. But this is a mistake because to the snake, the snake is simply temporarily taking your side and supporting you. From the snakes perspective, there's no need to contradict anyone and ruin a potentially mutually beneficial relationship when it won't change the person's opinion anyway.

To the horse, this is valuable. Because the horse is neither legalistic or political. The horse is blunt abrupt and callous in the presentation of her opinions. So the snake has the perfect role of being the Peacekeeper or ambassador for this team.

To the snake, the horse is valuable because the horse successfully plows through objectives crises goals challenges and obstacles in life that are difficult for the snake to achieve on his own. This is because the snake spend so much time being cautious and calculating.

To the horse, the snake is absolutely necessary because the snake diffuses and clears the pathway for the horse to run and carry them both across long and far reaches of life experience and success. While the horse runs fast and furiously in One direction, the snake works equally hard to clear a path for the horse to run freely and that top speed. The snake sees all the potential hazards calamities enemies and obstacles that the horse can neither see nor wants to notice.

There is no weakness in the mental connection between these two people. If improvement is even possible, the only way to improve the relationship of these two people is simply to communicate more. But it's likely that the horse would prefer to just run instead of talking about running. So increased communication might not be as easy to achieve as it sounds.

The dragon and goat are enemies. The Dragon is the most absolutely free spirit amongst all human temperament types. And the goat is the most restrictive and stubborn temperament types of all humanity.

In this particular case, the snake has emotional or monthly dragon energy. The horse has good energy for their monthly time dimension which can also be referred to as their emotional dimension.

The person born in 1975 will be extremely stubborn and carry a grudge or a scar for life. The person born in 1962, because of the dragon energy, can feel differently from one moment to the next and can even feel multiple different ways at the same time. The dragon will feel restricted and chained down by any negative emotions that the goat feels. And the goat will feel a multiplying of that same negative energy whether it's fear, anger, depression because the Dragon doesn't seem to empathize or identify with the same feeling. So the goat will feel more lonely.

The goat cannot fly around like the dragon can. But the Dragon, as stuffy and frustrating as it may feel, can in fact stop and perch for a while without always having to fly around the cosmos of emotions and experiences. So to solve these emotional incompatibilities between the dragon and the goat, it is entirely the dragons responsibility to stop, listen, match breathing rhythms, and work his hardest to empathize with how the goat feels. This will not be easy to do. But it will be well worth it because of how well the two of you compliment each other in the biggest picture of the mind and perspective. Emotional conflicts are temporary. Mental alignment is timeless.

The rooster and goat are compatible and useful to each other. But they can bring out each other's superpowers then become super compatible if they introduce a monkey into their activities. 

The snake was born on the day of the rooster. The horse was born on the day of the goat. So the horse actually has two goat energies. This means that the horse will be stubborn in their feelings and in their physical body. 

But since rooster and goat are compatible, and this compatibility occurs within the day time dimension which is also the physical three-dimensional time dimension, this means that physically these two people are very good for each other. But whenever they introduce a monkey into their physical presence they become super powerful. If the rooster and goat were business partners, they should have one more business partner or shareholder with monkey energy. If the rooster and goat are part of a college rowing team, the third number should be born on the day of the rooster. This is the same if they were a three-piece jazz band. If the rooster and goat are romantic couple, well, inviting someone born on the day of the monkey into their, well, you know.

The only real weakness in your relationship is your emotional center. This is actually of little importance in the grand scheme of things because of how well your lives turn out because of each other in the big picture. But humans being humans, and valuing how they feel from one feeling to the next, all yearn to have joyful and ecstatic moments in their lives. This is actually possible between these two people who are emotionally incompatible. Because even incompatibilities are circumstantial. The two of you will become compatible during lunar months with rat, tiger, monkey, or pig energy. 

If you're planning a vacation or some kind of fun activity, it is highly recommended that you do it only during these four months out of the year. Otherwise, even the best planned vacations and recreational activities will create stress and frustration.

For the snake, they're perfect soulmate would be someone born in the very next lunar month in September instead of August. Then, the two people would be perfectly compatible at every level.


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