Dragon Dragon, Dog Pig, Monkey Horse Compatibility

Comparing compatibility for

November 12th 1984 and 
December 8th 1984

The person born on November 12th has three Earth energies. This means they are grounding, popular, considerate and empathetic. The downside is that people will try and take advantage of him. The most popular actors, performers, and even politicians have three or more Earth energy.

The person born December 8th has at least three water energies. Water energy represents deep thought, caution, fear, and hesitation. This person likely tells the person born on November 12th who to stay away from, who to beware of, and tries to protect him.

Dragon dragon compatibility.
Both people were born in the year of dragon. Dragons are the only animals that do not exist in the physical world amongst all 12 of the animals in the mythological Chinese zodiac. This means that dragons are the most powerful of all the energies in the mental and creative world. The downside is that they are distant and disconnected from the physical world which at times makes them unrealistic and impractical.

Both of these people are best suited to be visionaries, creatives, philosophers, storytellers, idea makers. 

The relationship between the two people within the time dimension of the year which is based on Jupiter, is soulmate level. Twin dragons are the most compatible of all energies in the non-physical world. Together they can dream up concepts and ideas that no one else or no other team conjure. The downside can be difficulties with money or practical issues. But this is resolvable if tiger monkey ox horse or pig energy is also present within these two people. Fortunately, it is.

Dog pig compatibility
The person born in November was born on lunar dog month. And the person born in December was born on lunar pig month. The dog and pig are the second best level of compatibility. They are helpful to each other. The only greater level of compatibility is soulmate level. For the dog, his only soulmate is a rabbit. For the pig, his soulmate is the rabbit or sheep. 

The month-based time dimension represents the emotional center. This means that the person born in November which is the month of the dog, is highly sensitive and intuitive but also very nosy curious and even intrusive. The person born in December, which is the month of the pig, is unconcerned with deadlines, hard work, stressful goals. They are more concerned with enjoying the present and living in the moment. 

These two people are likely to find a recurring cycle where in November becomes enmeshed in people problems or political issues and December, the pig, helps pull the dog out of predicaments.

Monkey horse compatibility.
The person born on the 12th was born on a metal monkey day. The day dimension of time defines human physical conditions. This metal monkey day makes this person very sociable with many different various groups of friends and associates. He might also be talented in many different physical activities.

The person born on the 8th was born on a water horse Day. This makes this person driven, focused, resilient and hard-working. With the exception of moments where depression takes over, this person is truly relentless in his or her physical pursuits. But this person is also not nearly a social as the monkey. This person also doesn't have as many differing interest Hobbies or pursuits. 

Trying to get either person to change the way they live, will only create frustration.

On a physical level, the monkey and the horse are not highly compatible but they are also not enemies. This means that being in the same room together will neither be extremely pleasant or unpleasant. If being together is ever extremely pleasant, it is because both people are using their mental centers. Meaning that they are both planning, dreaming, thinking, philosophizing together. Simply doing non-metal physical things together will result in a fair or neutral outcome. Things like being on the same team of a doubles tennis match will produce moderate results. If these two people are business partners, they should not share the same office. If these two people are married, sharing the same bed together will result in moderate or adequate results. 

For soulmate level incomprehensibly fantastic experiences, the monkey should be physically together with someone born on rabbit or sheep day. The horse should engage in physical activities with someone born on sheep tiger or snake day. This will produce an amazing experience and perfect soulmate level harmonics.

Since both are compatible, highly compatible with someone born on sheep day, if these two people were to engage in a physical activity such as a sport, or even cooking, inviting someone to be with them who is born on the day of the sheep would yield a soulmate level result meaning that perfect harmonic resonance would be triggered.

The relationship between these two people is mentally perfect. Emotionally, well they may not feel ecstatic with each other, they feel a strong synergy which is beneficial to both. Physically, they simply need a third harmonic element. If these two people are a romantic couple, instead of inviting someone born on day of the sheep into the romantic life, they can simply engage in romantic or sexual activities on the day of the sheep. This will get them as close as possible to a perfect harmonic resonance experience.

Ideal soulmate day.
For the person born on November 12th 1984, one of the exact dates on which their ideal soulmate was born is ... Within 30 days of March 21 1995. 

If you meet this person, they will instantly feel like a long lost soulmate from a previous life. You will find an instantaneous and unexplainable perfect connection. And it simply perfect harmonic resonance.


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