What If I'm Already Married to My Enemy?! Remedy? Solution?

The beauty of knowing the future is that you can tell who you were going to be perfectly compatible with and you can tell who's going to ruin your life. But what if you learned about your future and about your compatibilities and harmonics after you married your enemy? 

This is a little bit of a joke but it's only half comedy because it's also half tragedy when the person you love seems to ruin your dreams. But this is a cushy hell compared to being in a relationship with your enemy against your will. Your boss might be your enemy. The dictator of a country you can't leave might be your enemy. Or your enemy might actually be stalking you. But this is only a halfway hell. The real hell is when the people you love most in your life are your enemy--your children.

Knowing who can improve my life if I go out and meet them is certainly a superpower. But what if I'm already tied down to people who are currently ruining my life?

The beautiful thing about this universe is that everything is built on energy. And the beautiful thing about energy is that all energy can be mutated and even canceled.

Think of the people in your life that you are not compatible with like a friend of yours who is scratching the chalkboard with his nails. You can't exactly use a samurai sword to make him stop without hurting him. So you might do something like throw oil on the chalkboard. That neutralizes the destructive energy against you but doesn't actually hurt him.

That's what these ancient metaphysics were trying to tell you for 6000 years.

In this case, if the person in your life that you can't get away from or maybe don't even want to get away from this destroying your life but you don't want to actually destroy them, then you need to apply the law of the cross.

The only reason someone fights against your goals, thoughts, intentions is because they were born at a harmonically dissonant place in time.  If that was 6 months before or after your birth month, or if that was 6 months before or after your birth year, then all you need to do is add a third person that was born between the two of you.

This is like if two cars were headed towards each other for a head-on collision, and a third car broadsides both of them before they hit each other. It won't be pretty. But it will deflect 90% of the conflict. 

This is why subconsciously, couples that can't stop fighting each other want to have babies. As an outsider, it seems like such a stupid thing to do. But neither person actually wants a divorce. They just want a solution so that they can continue to stay together.

Basically, you need a mutual enemy.

That mutual enemy can be another person that you love and care for or it can actually be someone that wants to kill you. This mutual enemy can also be a place or direction. Best part is that you don't all have to be in the same room at the same time. The side benefit is that since your mutual enemy is halfway between both of you, through the mutual enemy you will be able to understand each other's perspective. 

But this mutual enemy or mutual enemy location or direction must be chosen precisely otherwise you'll just end up with two enemies instead of the one.

As of the time of this blog post, the calculator for your mutual enemy is not live. Register at http://futureview.app now to get access to it when it goes live.


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